A Joyful Noise - Broadway Creative Team

Production Staff

Oscar Brand Composer/Lyricist
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Borden Deal Source Material
(based on novel)
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Paul Nassau Composer/Lyricist
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Edward Padula Bookwriter
Michael Bennett Choreographer
Michael Bennett was a renowned American dancer, choreographer, and director, known for his innovative work in musical theater. Born in Buffalo, New York in 1943, Bennett began his career as a performer, dancing in the chorus of Broadway shows such as "Subways Are for Sleeping" and "Here's Love." However, it was his choreography that would make him a legend in the industry. Bennett's breakthrough came in 1975 with the groundbreaking musical "A Chorus Line," which he conceived, directed, and choreographed. The show, which followed the lives of aspiring dancers auditioning for a Broadway show, was a critical and commercial success, winning ... read more
L. Slade Brown Producer
Lewis Harmon Press Representative
Sol Jacobson Press Representative
Peter Joseph Costume Designer
Edward Julien Production Stage Manager
Edward Padula Director
Leland Palmer Assistant Choreographer
Howard Perloff Stage Manager
Jeb Schary Production Supervisor
Jo Jo Smith Assistant Choreographer
Bill Stegmeyer Orchestrator
Rene Weigert Musical Director
Peter Wexler Settings/Lighting
Lighting Designer
Scenic Designer
Ticket Central
